jueves, 26 de julio de 2007

Ser políglota es PRO

A: I’m trying to get through to Put.

B: Put 1 or 2?

A: Ehh…Put 1.

B: Hai dimenticato la password?

A: Me ne frega la password. Io voglio parlare con Put.

B: Do you wanna know where I’m going to Put you the Put?

A: You’re not gonna Put anything anywhere. I’m just a little boy, and I’m not gay. My mom told me I‘m not gay, just what everyone is supposed to be: white, beautiful, clean and elegant.

B: You’re so full of shit, and you’re so gay. It seems you’re about to burst of gayness….you homo!

A: (cries) I just want to talk to Put

B: Put is a concept, like God. Put is happiness in disguise. Put is put, like two and two is four.

A: Ok, I’m gay.

B: Adesso, hai ricordato la password.

A: Oh, no, it's llsa Lund!!!

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